DigitalCrafts Houston Coding Bootcamp
1334 Brittmoore Rd Suite 1001, Houston, TX 77043, United States

Review №1

As a former student, I am making this comment. You might want to change your career. Software engineering is not easy and I came here from Ohio to learn and start in this field. However, it was horrible quality. Our instructor did not teach well and he was not prepared for classes. He taught us how to use search engines. I already know how to google. If you are paying tons of money to get some education. This is not a place for you. It is not worth your money. I am working as a software developer right now. I made this success after digital crafts I purchased online courses and I learned myself at home. To cut the long story short, You can do better even if you watch programming videos from youtube instead of going this place. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY HERE...

Review №2

The instructors were extremely competent. Solid style and they didnt get off topic with overly inflated concepts to flex how smart they are which makes them easy to follow and didnt make me feel elementary or discouraged. They all questions or get you pointed in the right direction to find it yourself.

Review №3

Excellent!!! I am a recent grad and I can’t recommend them enough. They truly care about you and your education and totally possible for absolute beginners. Do it!!!

Review №4

I went into DigitalCrafts with very little coding experience, and being the youngest in the class I was very interested to see how things would turn out. Right from the start I really enjoyed how simple the instructors (Juan and Devin) made things. I felt like I was finally understanding these concepts that I was never quite able to grasp. After the first big project I was totally in love with coding. After graduating I feel totally confident that I have all the tools that I need to land that first Software Developer position! My only criticism would be to give more feedback on the projects after presenting. I was never able to gauge how well I had done on my projects other than a “good job”. Really other than that DigitalCrafts was a wonderful introduction into the tech world and I’m thrilled to see what I can do with these new skills!

Review №5

I did a lot of research on different schools and coding bootcamps, Im glad I settled with digitalcrafts. They are fully committed to assisting you along the journey of becoming a full stack developer and they do this in 16 weeks of coursework. The instructor is world-class the developers in residence were awesome and all the staff outside of the classroom were beyond helpful. AND CONTINUE TO BE HELPFUL even after graduating. They honestly do support you on the job search, something they could not do if they didnt care. The amount of networking I have been able to do because of this school in such a short amount of time is unbelievable. I truly believe if you are around a campus you should definitely apply to go to the school, even if you arent they offer it digitally. When I signed up it was for in-person Monday through Friday 9 to 5 however we all know the events going on in the world so that changed. With that said I am utterly amazed at their ability to structure a digital course out of what has always been in person with little to no notice at all. They pulled it off and Im sure they had no planning for this ahead of time. Any school that can still deliver on their commitments after being thrown a blocker like that is a school worth going to.

Review №6

So you want to do a Boot Camp?The might be a little misleading, cause I have very positive praise for DigitalCrafts and the Boot Camp style of learning. So lets dive in.Lets start with me. I am a career medical professional with 16 years of practice. I had tinkered around with coding, mostly just HTML and CSS, but decided it was time to expand this knowledge and take on the challenge of doing Full-Stack Development. After all, it couldnt be as difficult as my medical training, right? WRONG! Learning this stuff was more difficult. Mostly because YOU CANT JUST MEMORIZE IT! There is just too much. And it changes all the time. In fact, right in the middle of us learning React, Facebook issued an update that forced our instructor to jump to teaching us React Hooks 3 days early!However, I did change how I would study and learn and was able to grasp the concepts needed. And remember, it is a Boot Camp, so be fully prepared to learn at warp speed!Now for DigitalCrafts. I researched the other programs available and I choose DC 1) because they had a campus in Houston, where I am, and 2) because their curriculum seemed to be broader and covered more languages and frameworks that I had heard were more relevant in the workforce.I am glad I choose DC and when I choose to do it. Our Cohort was totally online due to COVID-19. And yes, we were on Zoom for 6+ hours every day and had to have our cameras on. While this might not sound too appealing, I have to say that I wouldnt want it any other way. I feel that this made us better problem solvers because if anyone was having an issue, they could share their screen and we all could debug as a class.Our instructor was very skilled at full-stack development. He was very funny and kept the fast-paced learning light, which made it easier to grasp. The admin staff, career services, and DiRs were also top-notch. They were all very helpful and really cared about our education and our success.Yes, this was drinking water from a fire hose. But I feel that DigitalCrafts was the best choice for me. I gained new skills and also many new friends. I feel I was prepared for the workforce and can integrate into any area of development, including, Frontend, Backend, or Full-stack. And if I can do it coming from a medical background, anyone can do it!

Review №7

I had a great experience with DigitalCrafts, my instructor, and the Developers In Residence (DIR)! They provided the instruction, support, and structure that I needed in order for me to learn software development in a very short period of time. Without DigitalCrafts, my coding skills would be beginner at best, but now I can create full stack website applications. Most importantly, I learned the theories that are common throughout every programming language. Hence, I can now figure out and learn new programming languages by drawing from the basic foundation that DigitalCrafts helped me create. Not only does DigitalCrafts teach you how to code, but they teach and encourage you to learn to code on your own.

Review №8

I attended this school for 4 months and easily the best decision I made. Excellent curriculum, great teachers and good pace of course. Must be prepared to work really hard for four months, but you will get so much out of the course if you do.

Review №9

Please consider this bootcamp if you are wanting to break into web development. You will not find a group of people more committed to your success, the alumni all support each other, the curriculum is current and challenging, and the instructors are excellent.

Review №10

The course is very fast paced. I will say that I had trouble in the beginning and doubted if I was able to finish it. It wasnt till half way through the course that I found the confidence to continue. Im sure you hear negative reviews, that you can learn this on your own. Theres tons of free online tutorials. Which is true, and if your are a self learner, that can work out for you. But Ive always excelled in a classroom environment, hearing a lecture and being shown an example. Ive tried learning online, but theres only so much reading you can do before all the words start blurring together. Plus in a classroom, there are ppl to help give you a guiding hand or lead you to the right path for the solution. I have enjoyed my experience here at Digitalcrafts, its a very supportive environment. The teachers and aids are very knowledgeable, and if they dont have the answer, they can help you look in the right direction. Basically, you get what you put in. You give this course your all, youll get the most of it. Its all about how much effort you put in. There has been so much growth in all of the members of the class that have made it through.

Review №11

Overall, it has been a great experience. The program is challenging, intensive, and covers a wide range of technologies useful in the job market. I found it so crucial to apply extra self study practices throughout the program to keep up and retain everything being taught. It can be so easy to fall behind otherwise.The Houston campus is still pretty new, and seems to be working the little kinks out. Theres still room for improvement in the curriculum pace and structure. Career assistance didnt meet my expectations, but may be different for the Atlanta campus since there seems to be more staff at that location focused on that aspect and seem to have more company relationships established.Individual student success still, as expected, falls on each one’s shoulders and depends on your background, and willingness to apply themselves.Additional note: I did not find my cohorts elective (Computer Science) offering to be worth the additional money with other valuable programs available, nor the time to take on additional coursework with the existing load.

Review №12

DigitalCrafts has been the stepping stone in helping me to become a full stack web developer. Each lecture helps prepare you in the assignment handed after the lecture, and each assignment comes with its own learning curve, and as a developer you have to learn how to overcome these blockers. With what Ive learned Im ready to start launching whatever I create out into the world!

Review №13

DigitalCrafts was a great use of my money and my time. Id say that my salary increase for the first year alone will make up for the money that I spent on this course. I came in with a working knowledge of HTML and CSS, and some Javascript and Python, and came out a full-stack developer. It was an experience that was very demanding, but it also made an incredible impact on me as a person. Work hard, and go far - the equation has always been the same. Do it here and you get a new career. Highly recommended.

Review №14

Great place! I learned so much and met so many awesome people, and the curriculum is outstanding. I couldnt be happier, and I had so much fun.

Review №15

Great course to learn and sharpen new skills. Cant recommend enough. Money well spent.

Review №16

I am a former teacher and was looking to attend a coding bootcamp. I did some research of the available classes in Houston and found that DigitalCrafts had high ratings and success stories. I now know why they have such high ratings! I had Veronica as a teacher and it was an absolute blast. I didnt realize software development could be so fun!This class is most definitely challenging, but its rewarding. If you are thinking about signing up, do it. You wont be disappointed. Take the pre-work very seriously and be ready to work hard and overcome many challenges!

Review №17

I have found the DigitalCrafts bootcamp to be a powerfully positive experience. You will learn quite a lot in short time span. In addition to the teachings, DC offers a lot of job support and you can tell they really care about your success as a software developer.

Review №18

Great experience! I graduated from the full-time program (16 weeks) and am amazed at the projects I created. The instructors and TAs are super helpful, along with your fellow students. The pace is pretty fast, but you will learn how to search issues and solve them on your own (like you will be asked to do with a development job). A typical day is lecture in the morning, and then lab work in the afternoon for exercises or project work. Also, DigitalCrafts really cares about helping you find a job. They review your resume, portfolio, and LinkedIn and give recommendations on how to improve them. They also share new job opportunities every day. Overall, I felt like this was a wise investment for my career and personal life!

Review №19

A great experience. I came in with basic knowledge os HTML and CSS but was able to walk out a web developer with a wide exposure to Javascript and its frameworks. DigitalCrafts helped me set the foundation for a career in web development and was worth every penny. I highly recommend them as a starter to your new career in tech.

Review №20

DigitalCrafts changed my life in the most profound way and I will always be grateful to these folks for getting me on the path to living my life on my terms. DigitalCrafts is a great starting point if you want to get serious about pursing coding in any area.

Review №21

When I decided to make a change of career to Software Developer I was a little afraid I was gonna be really lost because I had no coding experience, but after doing a little research I found Digital Crafts, which had really great reviews and everyone said the program was amazing, so I decided to do it. Today Im so happy I found it and Im so happy with my decision to do it because it really is one of the best experiences in my life.The amount of things you learn in four months is crazy (good crazy). It takes a lot of commitment, work and dedication to learn everything but everyone is so helpful and always willing to help you with everything. The instructors are amazing, the program is amazing, all the digitalCrafts team are amazing and friendly, so for everyone who is thinking about going for a change and are not so sure to just go for it because you have no experience or very little experience, my advice to you is to just go for it and go with digitalCrafts, you will not regret it and personally, im really impressed about where I am now, and where I was four months ago.PS: The pre-work is really helpful to not be lost the first days if youre really new to coding; and if youre not its a good practice, so do it. :)

Review №22

Before attending DigitalCrafts, I was learning and coding in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and not sure what step I should take to start being able to develop professional websites for startups and corporations. I found that DigitalCrafts had great reviews and decided to join and dont regret it in the slightest! Although DigitalCrafts starts off with basic fundamentals and is very beginner-friendly, most students seemed like they were at an equal skill level once we started backend technologies. For our final projects, many startups and agencies within the office building came in to pitch ideas and let us work directly with them to gain experence working with businesses/clients.Veronica was an amazing instructor and was always able to teach complicated topics in a simple, understandable way, and the TAs were always there to help students with whatever problems we would face during our projects and homework. Veronica always made sure all of us were understanding what we were studying and made it fun. One of the TAs(James) even came to the school on a Saturday to help me and two others on issues we were facing on our projects and stayed till 8:30pm coding with us and making sure we understood the concepts we were struggling with.I would definitely recommend DigitalCrafts for both begineers and CS majors and suggest to future students to do as much of the prework as possible so that once youre in class, you can spend more time trying to understand the more complex topics rather than struggling with the basics.

Review №23

DigitalCrafts was a fantastic experience from the get go. One of the things I liked the most about them was their communication and transparency. From the moment I applied, Jason (Campus Director) was always very accesible to answer questions and quick to respond to my phone calls or emails. I also liked how upfront he was about the program. I never felt like he was sugar coating or overselling anything about it, or that he was looking to just fill seats. There was a genuine effort to screen potential students out that were not the correct fit, and find ones that understood the most important thing about this or any bootcamp. You will only get out of it what you put in, and because of that my class was filled with like minded and hard working students, which was just as invaluable as anything else DigitalCrafts offered.

Review №24

If you’ve spent a good amount of time preparing for a coding bootcamp, and know exactly what you’re wanting to get out of it, then don’t think twice about signing up. Put both feet in and you won’t regret your decision. Realize that nearly any bootcamp across the country will expose you to similar technologies and that you’ll only scratch the surface of each topic. Theres only so much you can cover in 3-4 months. What you’re mainly getting is the structure of everyday practice in a collaborative, supportive, and social environment.There were times during the program that I questioned my decision of enrolling and what value I was actually getting out of it. Most if not all that we learn is available to us online for free, but the momentum to keep going is not. Sometimes that’s all that I needed to continue pushing through roadblocks. Additionally, the opportunity to work with other classmates on projects was a valuable experience that is difficult achieve through the self-taught path.It can’t be stressed enough that preparation before enrolling will only multiply what you get out of the program. Additionally, don’t expect anyone to hold your hand. The lecture is barely 2-3 hours and the rest of the day you’re primarily on your own. Learning to become independent is only going to make you a stronger developer. Your level of success is strictly determined by the amount of hard work you put into it.Lastly, a lot of prospective students I met were concerned that they didn’t have the background appropriate for this sort of a program. I studied Anthropology & Philosophy as my undergraduate degree which has no relation to software development whatsoever. However, what every successful student at DigitalCrafts has in common is the willingness and determination to work hard and succeed.No review is complete without some feedback on the program:• I would make the pre-course work more challenging, and use the first month to cover more in-depth topics instead of covering the same material as pre-course work. The first three weeks were sort of redundant after having prepared for this program.• Incorporate daily algorithm toy problems. I believe this is covered by the CS elective, but it would still be good to warm up before the day starts with a short toy problem sprint. This would also make a great opportunity for pair programming.• Offer more electives that focus on UI/UX, and spend more time on GitHub, and launching/hosting our projects.• Help students establish coding best practices. Writing clean code is something prospective employers will look for in a candidate, so knowing the good and the bad of clean code early on would have been helpful.• Offer more diverse assignments. The majority of what we practiced building were to-do lists.• Consider changing ‘Career Week’ to ‘Career Days’ that are incorporated throughout the program. This would give us more time to polish our resumes, portfolios, etc. throughout the entire program instead of cramming it all into one week.• Lastly, I would encourage the instructor to be more involved in the students success. The instructor checked in with us during the first few weeks during lab hours, but throughout the rest of the program they were just made available to students for questions following lecture. I think theres a lot more to gain from having an instructor there full-time. Learn and connect with your students to understand who they are and what their professional goals are.

Review №25

Digital Crafts was one of the best decisions Ive made in my life. They really care about your success in this field and they help you every step of the way. Although you can find alot of the information online I think that with the experience from the Digital Crafts team they are able to give you that extra leg up and an abilty to go out and learn more on your own. Im still looking for a job but with my knowledge now I feel confident enough to land a postion and continue my growth as a software developer. Also Azam is an awsome teacher if you are planning on going there definitely get Azam as your teacher you will learn so much.

Review №26

Graduated today from DigitalCrafts officially. I really learned a lot from the 16-week full stack immersive program. I had a decent job in a different field, I did hesitate a lot before joining DigitalCrafts. But now I would say I am happy that made that decision. Azam is very knowledgable, Jason and Jake provided a lot of help in terms of job hunting. They are all very nice and did their best to help the students. Got an offer, but declined for personal reason, I still have quite a few interviews lined up.Thanks to DigitalCrafts!

Review №27

Going to DigitalCrafts was the best decision Ive made in regards to career choices.  I came from an I.T. background and quit my job as a Desktop Admin at a major Houston based hospital to attend, and I was terrified.  I spent hours reading reviews, talking with different bootcamps in Houston and Austin, and talked with my wife about where to go and what to do. I spoke with graduates from the program before making my decision, and every single one of them had a job in the field, and every single one of them said it was the best decision they made.Damian, the instructor in Houston, is an amazing teacher.  Every day class was lively, packed full of learning, and tons of laughs.  Damian graduated from a top 5 computer science program, and has been working in the field for over a decade.  The amount of knowledge that he has, and his ability to pass it along to the students is remarkable. I can’t speak highly enough of him!I decided on DigitalCrafts because they teach full-stack development, theyre placement rate was outstanding, and the reviews were very good.  It was very reassuring how forthcoming Jason, Max, and Jake were in my initial conversations with them.  They are all very honest about how difficult the program is going to be, but how much it can pay off, and it paid off for me!  I got a job offer as a Software Developer at a fast-growing Houston company only 9 weeks into the course.  The salary that was offered to me was a 50% increase to what I was making before DigitalCrafts, and the earning potential as a software developer is exponentially higher. No matter how you chalk it up, it was a good investment.If youre considering going to a coding bootcamp, I cant recommend enough DigitalCrafts.  Setup a meeting with Jason, and learn about the program. Talk to graduates of the program, read reviews, do your homework.  For me, the more I dug, the more confident I became that DigitalCrafts was by far the best coding bootcamp in Houston.-Cody

Review №28

Great environment and wonderful people.

32 Photos
5 Rating
  • Address:1334 Brittmoore Rd Suite 1001, Houston, TX 77043, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 833-327-2387
  • Adult education school
  • Computer training school
  • Educational institution
  • School
  • Software training institute
Working hours
  • Monday:9AM–5PM
  • Tuesday:9AM–5PM
  • Wednesday:9AM–5PM
  • Thursday:9AM–5PM
  • Friday:9AM–5PM
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:Closed
Service options
  • Online classes:Yes
  • Onsite services:Yes
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