Dobbs Elementary School
9400 Eastern Ave, Kansas City, MO 64138, United States
Dobbs Elementary School

Review №1

I attended school here when I was a child, and if this school is still anything like it was then, I would say your children would have better luck being educated in a satanic cult that operates out of a meth lab run by angry drunken bears. Id like to think anti bullying policies and heightened awareness would change a school like this for the better, but lets be realistic. The teachers were grossly incompetent, under educated, rude, and complacent. Instances of bullying and harassment were often overlooked, or even allowed to occur, and in general it was a very hateful and traumatizing place to be (well, unless you were one of the upper echelon bullies, I suppose). I will say there were a few teachers I recall that really did try to educate and help their students, but they could only do so much in a place where you were really only accepted if you were creepy, hateful, biased, lazy, stupid, or a psychotic dictator (and my experience was before the days of school shootings, drugged out preteens, and oppressionist P.C. intolerance). Sad when the best thing I can say is well, at least the bullies didnt have guns. If you love and truly want whats best for your kids (if you dont, you are evil and should burn in hell), DO NOT LET THEM ATTEND THIS SCHOOL, AND IF YOU CAN, ESCAPE THIS PART OF KANSAS CITY! Even the bumpkin educational system in Kansas is better than Dobbss (no offense to the redneck lifestyle, Im referring specifically to the negative aspect of a type of hillbilly that has no place in a society that claims to want to be tolerant and educated), but the Park Hill School District is one of the top rated districts in the area, and while no place is perfect (a useless platitude, just because it could be worse doesnt mean one should settle for the lowest common denominator) it is worlds above Hickman Mills. I was fortunate to escape that district in 7th grade, and the south KC area in 8th, but I cant imagine it getting any better as the kid gets older (unless youre one of those dregs that hates kids, and wants to turn them into psychotic, twisted, disaffected criminals). Guess this review makes you wonder about me...Dobbss and south KC left their scars (mostly mental) on me, but even though my parents chose to ignore alot, they did raise me to be independent, honest, and respectful (seemingly all negative qualities nowadays, guess all of us are haters, except for the actual haters) and while I am by no means the greatest person on earth, or even in the city, I did not allow myself to become what Id be if I let that awful place break me. Take it for what it is, but take off the rose colored glasses, do your research, and be realistic and logical. You can only do what your lot in life allows, but for the sake of your family and children, at least be aware that this school district is a terrible place, and any option is better than this.

Review №2

Not really a good school in my opinion...Im hoping to transfer my kids out the district soon....

1 Photos
2 Rating
  • Address:9400 Eastern Ave, Kansas City, MO 64138, United States
  • Phone:+1 816-316-7800
  • Elementary school
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