400 N 34th St #205, Seattle, WA 98103, United States

Review №1

I took the premier 3-day course, The Landmark Forum back in February 2004. I signed up the month before when I also became an entrepreneur. I was in for an experience Id never get over. I have founded companies and launched products since. It has not been an easy ride, but its remarkable how such a short program has given me the tools to shape my life for decades to come. This is a program unlike any other, and its difficult for me to describe how much it has shaped my life in a positive way. Id give it 10 stars if I could.

Review №2

Landmarks methodology has made an enormous difference in the life I have led since first taking the Forum in 1994. Whether it was enabling me to find the courage to tell the truth in relationships and be married after 29 years--a future that was not predictable, to creating a job that I had no clear qualifications for and made my own and excelled in for 10 years, to simply being open to being connected with people....I cannot say enough about the power and utility of the education--for myself and for almost anyone.The Seattle Center of Landmark is a top-notch organization--staffed with people who are highly professional and are deeply committed to humanity.

Review №3

Nothing, and I mean nothing, has made the profound difference as the work Ive gotten to do at Landmark. From empowering my marriage (23 years and going strong) to my business (more money every year) has been impacted by this education. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to participate with this company.

Review №4

Landmark is the best training and development course by far! Fantastic for communication, productivity and just living a life where you arent stopped by personal limits and barriers. Their Seattle office team are super great to deal with!

Review №5

Thank you for power, freedom, and self-expression! What I got is priceless.

Review №6

The world would actually work for everyone with no one and nothing left out if more people participated in these courses! My life is miraculous thanks to Landmark!!!

Review №7

Extraordinary programs, and the Seattle Center provides excellent customer service.

Review №8

40% is about building yourself,60% about forcing you to call someone to recruit and spend their money on this expensive service just to repeat the cycle of recruiting someone and recruiting someone again and again. This is a scam. Hundreds of dollars of seminar with a non-paid staff members. Get yourself a self help book.

Review №9

The distinctions and education about humanity that I have received from Landmark over the 20+ years I have been participating has truly and completely changed my life! Those who say it is a cult and that anyone in this organization made them do anything is preposterous. They certainly challenge the status quo and encourage honesty and integrity, among many other good concepts for helping one to create and maintain the most incredible life one can. This education is just that, education. An education about how one can be the best human one can be. Nothing less, nothing sinister, and more than worth any amount I could ever pay for any other kind of education I got in our regular school and college system AND I actually learned so much more to have a more satisfying and fulfilling life.

Review №10

The Landmark Forum and all of Landmark’s programs are absolutely fantastic, really impactful and have helped me achieve many of my goals in life. It gave me courage, self confidence, peace of mind and a lot of self expression!

Review №11

The worst kind of cult. Landmark uses mind control tactics to build you up and then puts you down when you arent in full agreement with their narrative. Question everything here and why you want to give your money to them because from my experience they are not who they appear to be. One of the spokespersons also quoted L. Ron Hubbard qoute on their website. That is sickening.Many have called them out about their ableist name calling and how they make victims feel that what happens to them in life is their fault. Not the place to invest your money, these people and this organization are NOT to be trusted.

Review №12

Landmark is just a Corporation, Landmark doesnt Care, Just like Corporations dont Care because they have hearts colder than the Tin-man. Landmark has more rights than I do, more technology, money and lawyers than I do. And they especially dont get humor, especially when it comes to their BRAND. No Results, Made life worse than it already was and Cost me several Grand to attend the seminars.

Review №13

A financially and emotionally costly experience in manipulation and coercion. I could write an entire book about all the things that are unethical, harmful, and flat out scientifically incorrect about this religion rebranded as personal development coursework.If you have personal struggles you would like to overcome, I highly recommend a good Therapist or Life Coach with experience and/or a professionally recognized license in helping people get where they want to go. Spare yourself the financial and psychological damage this organization will inflict upon you for their own gain. I share this in hopes that my experiences will not become yours.

Review №14

This place is a brain-washing cult. They harassed me for quite a while.

Review №15

Great courses and inexpensive compared to similar programs. Besides meeting a lot of interesting people, the courses helped me improve important relationships and gave me the confidence and understanding of myself to move across country, start a business and retire early. Wish I did the first course when I was younger-would have made life easier to navigate.

Review №16

These programs changed my life. I became unafraid, and truly empowered, to live life on my own terms without worrying about what others might be thinking of my choices. This freedom of expression has brought me joy and fulfillment I never had before.

Review №17

So many lies. Just watch and BE AWARE of all the lies they tell you.Be critical. Dont let them put you on stage, then try to make you cry or express a deeper emotion without really understanding why youre doing it for.Could Landmark be great? If you like cults, then yes, sure. At the end of the program they tell you to spread the word, if you want to keep your integrity.Come on. Think about it. What does that sound like?Anyone working for Landmark that reads this: well, I have nothing to say to you because you have probably been brainwashed to the point that whatever you hear or read you quickly deny. So, I am sorry you are working for Landmark and hope one day you will wake up and truly be happy.

Review №18

The work done at Landmark, while hard to fully describe effectively, has changed almost every facet of my life to some degree, and for the better. As someone who has worked hard for my personal and professional self development and growth, working with Landmark is like strapping a jetpack in whatever area of your life you want transformation in. Cant recommend it enough.

Review №19

Did the Landmark Forum in 93 and I still use the technology every day. I am clear that the life I have, and I love my life, is due to the work I have done with Landmark. Case in point- when I did the Forum in 93 I spoke to my dad only on holidays or special occasions. As my dad turns 70 and I got complete with my father in the Landmark Forum, I have spent the last 20+ years profoundly related to him. So many results-from personal relationships, business results, I could write a short novel on them.

Review №20

This has made an profound and lasting change in my life. I have been able to get over all of my resentments, regrets, hurts and disappointments. I have resolved my anger. My relationship with my wife of 35 years was excellent and now it is deeper and even better. I am doing things in my life that I never thought I could. I still have struggles and difficulties in my life but I now have a way of dealing with those that works in my life.

Review №21

Landmark is an excellent access to getting to where you want to go in life, and dealing with what is important to you.Ive gotten more than I even hoped I would have. A home, family, job that I love and a future.

Review №22

Really empowering! Provided a great sense of self awareness and what it means to be human. Great logical distinctions and powerful leaders and comunnity who really represent the transformation that can be accessed via the tool given through this program.

Review №23

Ive taken their courses for nearly 40 years. Always refreshing and uplifting, I like the intensive pace!

Review №24

Gives you opportunity to use distinctions of the program for living life to your fullest potential. You truly find out what you dont know about yourself, and how the way you communicate or take action in life can be transformed.

Review №25

I NEVER leave reviews unless they are a 5 Star positive review, but I can’t help myself.All I have gone to so far is the evening introduction. I attended with a good friend. I decided to register. They immediately got all my money. That’s when the care stopped. I had to reschedule because of an unforeseen conflict. I contacted the Fremont, WA office which is where I registered and planned to take the forum. Whomever I talked to was unprofessional and distracted, thus the purpose of my call was not passed on as promised. Upon my own follow up, I was told they had no record of my desire to reschedule. I re explained my reason and asked to be contacted by the appropriate person to work with me on the reschedule. This was never done and they ultimately called me this week confirming my attendance to the forum I have told them TWICE I can’t attend. I voiced my disappointment at the lack of follow up and lack of professionalism from a place that I paid a lot of money upfront to attend a forum that would supposedly teach me how to be my best when it wasn’t being demonstrated at all by them. The gal said she understood my concern and promised to have someone call me back ASAP. It’s been over a day and there’s been no call. This really bothers me and I now regret registering with them. Let’s see if I can get my money refunded. I’m going to go for it, I can assure you. I’M NOT A FAN.

Review №26

Initial Landmark Forum yes! The Advanced courses is a maybe. As in maybe its right for you. Did I say that I highly recommend the initial Landmark Forum? Ill get to the Advanced course in a sec.I got a lot, in fact a ton from the initial Forum seminar. Its really stuff that should be taught in High School. My partner and I both use and discuss the topics (distinctions) even many many months after our courses. Its a progression of the old 70s Est training. Doing a little research, reading a book about Est and studying what the founder of Est (Werner Erhard) learned himself - its clear the roots of the message is from Zen philosophy (not the posture and sitting part of Zen). Pick up a book on Zen Philosophy and youll see the parallels.The Advanced course deals more with getting others in your life involved with the Landmark message. They did some of this in the Forum itself and it was cool. It actually had me break some barriers with relatives. The initial Forum seminar did and will continue to change my life. But the Advanced course takes it on a different path than the Forum itself. A bit too much for me. In fact at the very end the facilitator aggressively pressured me to participate by enrolling others that a clash occurred (I was just sitting on the couch during a break). I explained I just wanted to witness the entire course and digest any new material offered. (to their credit there was about 10% new material). But the clash got to the point of me setting my name tag down but the assistant convinced me to stay for the last hour of the course (which was a weird sitting face to face thing with various other people). I didnt show up to the follow up Tuesday evening where you bring your friends to share landmark. I ended up getting a refund for the Advanced course unsolicited. Probably from my last hour encounter, or me not showing up Tuesday. Maybe both. The best part of the Advanced course was the members of our (separate) group. They were fun and good peeps!Even in light of the sour events in the Advanced course Im a strong supporter of anyone taking the initial Forum course.I give the Forum a healthy 5 stars and for the Advanced course a 1 star.

Review №27

8 years later, the Landmark Forum continues to have a tremendous impact on my life in the areas that are important to me. A reconciliation with my ex-wife and family, new relationship with my parents, changes and opportunities in my work that I never would have imagined possible before, an incredible relationship with my fiancé...the list goes on to places that if I told you, you might not believe. If you want to live a life that really inspires you, take this course!

Review №28

It changes my life.

Review №29

Landmark education has made a powerful difference not only in how I relate to others but in my effectiveness both personally and professionally. Its unlike anything Ive ever experienced and its time well spent.

Review №30

Great experience. I took the Forum in 2007 and it has made a huge difference in my life. I use the tools I learned at Landmark every day. I highly recommend it.

Review №31

My life will never be the same from Landmark. The staff is amazing; so helpful and friendly. The people Ive met will be friends for a lifetime. I will always stand by this forum.

Review №32

Best thing Ive done for myself ever. Keep your mind open and dont give up. In the end you are amazed, inspired and greatful.

Review №33

DO NOT ATTEND!!!!! Landmark focuses on a type of teaching that is destructive and separates individuals from what I would call rational thinking. How do I know? I attended. They tell you that people only focus on a moment and it changes them because they cant let that moment go. Moments such as rape, molestation, murder and abuse are just a moment they say. So something as traumatic as those things they simply just write off as nothing for those that are the victims. We will call it what it really is when you do that, victim shaming: Victim blaming occurs when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially at fault for the harm that befell them. The study of victimology seeks to mitigate the perception of victims as responsible.

Review №34

The most effective training ever. I was able to break free of past ways of being that did not work, this work they do here is a must for what i am up to and for really matters to me.

Review №35

Landmarks programs have made a huge difference in every area of my life (work, family, finances, relationships, and more!). This is seriously the greatest performance coaching out there.

Review №36

Wow! Landmark is powerful and transformational. I originally registered to impact my business, but instead, Ill now be impacting every aspect of my life.

Review №37

Modern brainwashing at its finest.

Review №38

They make you stay up all weekend to brainwash you

Review №39

Loved it - made a huge difference to my relationships, business results and just loving life!

Review №40

Breaks relationships. Coerces, in a very sly way, to call your friends and family for a graduation when in fact the entire time, no one is being called to get a diploma, instead they are trying to sell you the same seminar or course.COMPLETE brainwashing. You pay $600 or more for the course. Why? Just ask yourself that first.Please, be careful. They make you call people you know and force it down your throat.A huge majority that has taken this course, will automatically deny anything negative anyone says without even giving it a second thought. Why? It is not even constructive.Brainwashing at its best and so many fall for it. Please do not take this course unless you want to pretend to be happy.Its just that my brother is acting COMPLETELY irrational and was harassing neighbors at 10pm (at night). He was yelling at everyone, own your life, but the way he was acting was not himself, he was very aggressive and adamant about it. Its as if I could barely recognize him.There is so much to this story. Please, please be careful of this fraud cult.Not everyone has to have epiphanies (which they focus on in the program).Here is how I got introduced to Landmark:My brother calls and tells me he has been taking a wonderful life changing seminar and wants me to be there for his graduation. I am proud of him always wanting to challenge and better himself, I tell him, when is it? Will I be able to bring Maya [my daughter]?He responds, Its not for kids her age, but you should come. Maya is only 17 month and I still need to put her to sleep at night. He tells me the seminar was scheduled for 7pm-9pm. I feel like he REALLY wants me to be there and that its a big deal for him. So I agree to it after making sure my husband is ok with it too.When I get there, find out graduation is actually until 10pm. My mom was there too. I really needed to leave to put my daughter (his niece) to sleep, and he made it such a big deal.When I think back, I should have been frustrated with him for lying to me. But he is so brainwashed to the point that he is not in control of what he is doing anymore. :( I am so sad.Recently, he told me he was taking the course again. I started noticing even stranger behavior. A lot of fast talking. A lot of generalizing. Saying everyone is like this and that...Im not going to get into the details, but basically, it was as if a person did not take this course, they are beneath him.This place really reminded me of a cult. And my poor brother was so brainwashed he failed to see that.I wish I had a lawyer to undo the damages this has caused.There is so much to this story.He freaked his girlfriend out. He freaked me out. Yesterday, he was not in control of his emotions at all. He went to his girlfriends house, lost his cell phone somewhere, yelled at his friend, yelled at me. We were searching for him. Then my mom found him at home, he took a taxi back home because he left his car at his friends house.Btw, when I did go to the graduation aka seminar they were trying to sell. The first thing they do is try to get you to fill out a form with your name, address, and all your info basically.Then I went in to see my brother, and there was a lady that greeted me and asked, Dont you love your brother better now?1. That is a very leading questionAnd I answered back saying, I have always loved my brother. I am proud of him for always wanting to improve.Lastly, when I went to the graduation a speaker said something along the lines of, you all probably came here because you thought this was a graduation or .....but in fact it is because your life sucks and you need to change it then he acted as if that was a joke. People were laughing. They also had people standing and guarding the doors, and exists. When I had to leave early, the people almost didnt let me. I had to convince them I needed to leave. I had to go through like 6 people to be able to leave early.!!! Btw, Google this company. THEY ARE BANNED IN FRANCE AND OTHER COUNTRIES

Review №41

Worst seminar ever. Total Bullshit. Intimidates people, uses extreme fatigue to sell product. Information given is factually incorrect. Avoid at all costs. DO NOT waste your time or money.

Review №42

Going through this education helped me through some of the most difficult times of my life, I cant thank the people at Landmark enough!

Review №43


12 Photos
4 Rating
  • Address:400 N 34th St #205, Seattle, WA 98103, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 206-545-3730
  • Adult education school
  • Training centre
Working hours
  • Monday:10AM–9PM
  • Tuesday:10AM–9PM
  • Wednesday:10AM–9PM
  • Thursday:10AM–9PM
  • Friday:10AM–9PM
  • Saturday:10AM–6PM
  • Sunday:Closed
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